Back to School Eye Exams

Back to School Routine Eye Exams | Burlington County Eye PhysiciansDon’t forget to schedule your children for a routine eye exam as they get ready to go back to school.  Comprehensive eye exams should be scheduled annually for your fast growing young students.

Even if there are no complaints about their vision, get them checked.  Comprehensive eye exams can detect more than just blurry vision.

Myopia or Nearsightedness Common

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a type of refractive error where children are able to see close (without glasses) but not far away.  Myopia usually develops as the eye normally gets larger with normal growth of your child.  Nearsightedness is usually diagnosed around age 6 or 7, but it can vary.

Myopia may progress rapidly as the child grows.  While there is often rapid progression of myopia in the early teens, there is no way to predict these changes in refraction.

Keep in mind that myopia is not a disease, but it is important your child is equipped with the proper eyeglass prescription to see clearly.  Refractive errors normally change with normal growth of your child.

Hyperopia, Reading and Lazy Eye

Some children are able to see better and easier at distance, but have to strain when looking at closer objects such as a book, tablet or computer.  Farsighted children may sometimes need glasses for reading or performing close work.Back to School Eye Exams | Refractive Errors Children | Burlington County Eye Physicians

Other eye problems can be detected with regular comprehensive eye exams.  Strabismus, astigmatism and amblyopia are also commonly diagnosed in childhood and can cause headaches and strain in addition to blurry vision.

Strabismus simply means misalignment of the eyes.  Children may have eyes that wander or seem to be crossed.  Crossed eyes can be seen sporadically or all the time.  Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a condition of childhood and should be treated up to ages of 7-10.  Astigmatism, a type of refractive error, is very common and is often present in combination with myopia or hyperopia.  Astigmatism is often easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Small changes in your child’s refractive error can change your child’s  vision and may result in strain, headaches or blurred vision.  Regularly scheduled eye exams can help your children perform to the best of their ability.

Call us to make your “Back to School” appointment or Email Us!!

We look forward to seeing you.

Gregory Scimeca, M.D.
Ophthalmologist and Medical Director

Burlington County Eye Physicians
Eye Professionals, LLC (Millville, NJ)
Eye Physicians and Surgeons of Bucks County (Langhorne, PA)